

Pet Sitting

We offer flexible scheduling to owner preference within reason. We will feed, water and play with your pets according to your outline in your PetParent Contract. We offer drop in pet visits as well if you have something come up and can’t get home before your pet needs attention.



House Sitting

We offer this service as an add on or individual service. Services to include watering plants, bringing in mail and newspapers, rotating lights and ensuring home is secured by locking windows and doors upon exit. We also report any suspicious activity.  


Dog Walking

We offer additional services such as dog walking to owner preference on PetParent outline and contracts. Not all PetParents are required to have a walking service with their Pawsitively Happy Pet Services. It is strictly up to PetParent preference.  


Pet Waste Removal

We offer one time/initial pet waste removal, weekly pet waste removal, or bi-weekly pet waste removal from yard. We use our own tools and bags for a small fee. Off site disposal of waste has an additional fee.